Nince Inch Nails book cover design.

Nine Inch Nails–Print Design

This is a book that I designed for a class at the Academy of Art. I am a huge Nine Inch Nails fan and it was really fun to research and design based around this topic. This project helped me to see projects in their entirety rather than as isolated pages or elements. Getting the book to flow at the right pace was challenging for me, but in the end I think it ended up pretty strong.

Spread in the Nine Inch Nails book.
Close up of a spread in the Nine Inch Nails book.
Spread in the Nine Inch Nails book showing the band members,
Close up of a map that shows the tour history of the band.
Spread in my Nine Inch Nails book featuring a large text callout.
Two color spread from my Nine Inch Nails book.
Text callout of a Nine Inch Nails lyric
Back cover of my Nine Inch Nails book.